
A degree may open the door to a variety of opportunities and diverse career paths. The degree programs offered at CTU will not necessarily lead to the featured careers. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

If you’re in the process of deciding whether to pursue a doctoral degree program, 你最关心的问题之一可能是, 需要多长时间才能赚到钱

博士学位? But you might also have other important questions: Why is there more than one type of doctorate degree? 博士学位的典型要求是什么?

Before we dive into how may years 博士学位 program is likely to take to complete, 让我们从最基本的开始——什么是博士项目?


博士学位, 或者博士学位, is, 在大多数领域, 最高水平的学术成就. (In certain fields, like the fine arts, a terminal master’s is the most advanced degree you can earn.)

There are two types of doctorate degrees—Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and applied or professional doctorate.

博士和. 申请博士学位:

  • A PhD is a re搜索 or academic degree that is typically pursued by those who want to conduct original re搜索 and expand existing knowledge in their particular field.
  • An applied or professional doctorate focuses on practical professional skills and is typically pursued by those who want to develop advanced skills and knowledge that can be applied in the field in which they work.

One degree is not “better” or more advanced than the other—the difference lies in their focus (re搜索 versus application).

许多大学要求博士生亲自上课. 然而,像科罗拉多技术大学这样的一些大学提供这种课程 在线博士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. 在线 doctorate programs combine the convenience of distance learning with opportunities to network and interface with other doctoral students and faculty face-to-face, 在现实生活中.


博士学位 degree requirements vary by school and field of study and may include a combination of coursework, 考试和论文. CTU的在线博士学位要求包括:

  • 完成严格的在线课程
  • 参加两次专题讨论会
  • 提交研究计划
  • 最后的论文

How to get accepted into 博士学位 program varies by school as well. 例如, 一些学校或项目可能要求你已经有硕士学位, while others will admit students directly out of undergrad; some schools require the GRE, 一些不. CTU doctoral programs require having a master’s degree but do not require taking the GRE.


We already know that there are two types of doctorate degrees: PhD and applied doctorate. While the credential for a Doctor of Philosophy is PhD regardless of discipline, the credential for an applied doctorate varies depending on the discipline. 应用博士学位的例子有:计算机科学博士(DCS), 管理学博士(DM)及护理实践博士(DNP).


反恐组的 计算机科学博士学位 旨在帮助考生建立他们的理论, 具有计算机科学领域的研究和应用能力. The DCS program encourages strategic thinking and acting and is designed for computer science professionals, 顾问及学者. 课程包括:

  • 计算机科学与信息系统的当前主题
  • 未来与创新
  • 研究方法与设计原则
  • 数据库系统高级主题
  • 信息安全保障
  • 大数据分析高级主题
  • 企业安全架构


反恐组的 管理学博士学位 is designed for management professionals who want to enhance their existing management skills. It is structured to help candidates work to develop the ability to think and act strategically and the ability to integrate management theories, 支持组织任务的模式和技能. Our doctoral program emphasizes re搜索 and writing as well as leadership and change management—in addition to your chosen concentration discipline. 课程包括:

  • 管理理论
  • 管理与道德
  • 领导理论与发展
  • 行动研究的应用
  • 战略思维和组织一致性
  • 咨询与干预的实践与理论
  • 组织创新与情景思维


反恐组的 护理实践博士学位 is designed for actively licensed Registered Nurses (RNs) who want to prepare for more advanced administrative or leadership roles in nursing. 在这个博士项目中, 候选人评估不同人群的健康问题, 对复杂的健康问题进行评估并合乎道德地应用证据, analyze and apply policy and more—all with the objective of improving practice and/or healthcare outcomes. 课程包括:

  • 护理实践的科学基础
  • Applying Evidence-Based Practice and Re搜索 to Improve Health Outcomes
  • 信息系统和高级护理实践
  • 健康政策和高级护理实践
  • 人口健康与流行病学
  • 组织与系统领导


没有单一的, straightforward answer to the question of how long it takes to earn 博士学位. This is because program lengths tend to vary significantly among students. 根据 美国国家科学基金会在美国,2020年完成博士学位所需时间的中位数是:1

  • 所有的字段:
    • 8.获得学士学位至今已有7年
    • 7.读研究生已经5年了
    • 5.8年前开始攻读博士学位
  • 业务 management and administration: 5 years since starting a doctoral program
  • 5 .数学和计算机科学.6年前开始攻读博士学位
  • 健康科学:开设博士课程已有5年

Potential factors that may affect the time to complete a doctorate include the state of the job market, 提供意见及财政资助. 但是有 其他的障碍 that could also impact the length of your doctoral degree program and whether you complete the program at all.

CTU的博士课程计划在三年内完成, but they may take you more or less time depending upon your individual circumstances. 与校内博士学位项目相反, the online format of our programs provides more flexibility to balance your studies and personal obligations and to work at your own pace.


在申请到CTU之前 博士学位在线课程,我们建议审查一下CTU 博士课程入学要求 以确保你满足课程的先决条件.

你可以 要求与招生顾问交谈 谁能回答你关于我们博士课程的任何问题. Alternatively, you can call 1-855-230-0555 to speak to an 招生 Advisor.

If you already have all the information you need and are ready to take the next step, then 马上申请.

1 美国国家科学基金会, 获得博士学位调查, 表31:获得博士学位的平均年限, 按专业领域划分:所选年份, 1970–2020,“http://ncses.nsf.Gov / bars /nsf22300/data-tables(访问日期:12/29/2022).

CTU不能保证就业、工资或职业发展. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民. REQ1890107 12/2022




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